Prescribed like a doctor to a patient where you can dm or consult without a script and just come from a place of care to recommend your offer like a doctor prescribing to a patient.
You are getting leads from your facebook ads, having conversations in your dms on instagram, and are getting applications every single week to join your programs.
Your coaching containers work with the same amount of clients month over month, as the amount of people who finish up your programs becomes just a many that choose to walk through the door. And that is what’s preventing you from scaling your coaching business
This time using a “value stacked” funnel system. One that allows your people to learn more about your business, and get the information they need, while still building trust quickly with you enough to start reaching in via dm’s THE SAME DAY.
You keep hearing “I need to think about it” on your consults
You keep being Ghosted on your dm’s after you send them the link to join
You get sweaty and nervous when you start to share your offer in a convo
You practice objection handling over and over again, and keep changing your “sales slides” thinking it’s the words on those slides that will get them
A way where you don’t have to show up with a slide deck, where you can just have a genuine conversation like a coach to a client, and make a recommendation from a place of care, BEING ON THEIR TEAM!
This method i’m talking about, I used in my health coaching company to sign on over 4400 clients over the span of 8 years.
It works for every offer, every program length, every price point, and we have over 1.1 million dollars in sales to PROVE IT.
These clients signed on with the first call, excited to work with us, and people paid in full for 3k plus packages via a registry link in the dm’s.
It's more than just a framework to have a sales call, it is an entire system from the start of content creation, all the way to the handshake at the end. Designed to get the client to say “yes” to themselves multiple times, build trust quickly through that process, qualify the right people, remove the wrong people, and get them to think and buy JUST LIKE the best clients you work with already!
Learn the framework that signed over 4400 clients so you can prescribe YOUR programs
Build a custom system for repeatable sales in your business
Design content that removes objections up front so your highest and best clients come to you READY TO BUY
Get access to a community of coaches to refine your selling, with weekly trainings from sales practice to prequalification and onboarding.
Know and share your sales number: including lead flow, current closing numbers, as well as track sales inside the program(if you are not tracking these things consistently already, we do have a system we provide to make this simple).
Be open to sharing dm convos and sales recordings: for feedback and recommendations on growth
Be willing to break your old system for sales: by making fast adjustments to content, nurture sequences, and links needed for your client sign ups
The program is called NO. B.S. for a reason, because we are here to provide NO.thing B.ut S.ervice to the clients we are looking to help. This means getting them in the right headspace, the right emotional state, and helping them make the best decision for their goals.